01 June 2011

Spontaneous Visit from the Garners

Thursday morning we got a call from the Garners (Dave's parents) that they were going to come see us for the weekend!  It was a spur of the moment thing and they showed up Saturday morning!  We hadn't seen Garrett since before he left his mission so it was so nice to finally hang out with him again.  

We picked them up from the airport at 8 am, went to a delish breakfast restaurant in Huntington Beach and then spent most of the day there.  Then we went to Downtown Disney and stayed to see the fireworks.  Of course, just our luck, they were cancelled that night!  

It was a short trip but it was definitely worth it and we're so glad they came! 

This picture is what we had to stroll Evan around in at Downtown Disney!  We didn't have room to put our stroller in the car with all the beach stuff and everyone's luggage.  I forgot the baby carrier so we had to stroll him around in this little beach contraption thing.  You put all your stuff in it and drag it across the sand so you don't have to carry 100 things.  People gave us some strange looks and on top of it all it squeaked!  We felt quite ghetto but we had a good time with it!

This last one wasn't with the Garners actually, but it was on Memorial Day when we went to the park.  It was his first time in a swing and he loved it.


Insights said...

wow...I cannot believe how big Evan is!! Don't feel bad about people giving you funny looks! Everytime I go grocery shopping out here people stare!!! Yes my two year old is having a meltdown and I have a new baby!!!

Michelle said...

So funny! I love the improvising stroller. Who needs Graco?

I'm glad Evan likes the swings...we need more regulars at park day.